JK Jadro Koper

The best sailing club in town




The second most important sailing event of the Eurocup series in 2023 in the 29er class starts today in the Bay of Koper with 84 two-person crews from 11 countries. Germany has the largest representation with 23 crews, followed by Poland with 12 crews and Hungary and Italy with 11 crews, 4 crews represent Slovenia.

The regatta will be attended by some of the best current sailors, such as the Hungarian crew of Soma Kis-Szölgyémi and András Sámuel Juhász, who finished 10th in the World Championship (WC) last year, and the crew of Tóth Attila & Levente Borda 26th on WC, the Italian crew of Mosè Bellomi & Pietro Berti placed 34th at the 2022 WC, as well from our club JK Jadro, Slovenian women sailors Alja Petric and Katja Filipic who were 3rd under 17 on World’s championship in 2021 and also took 3 th place on Youth World Championship in Oman and are now both sailing with a new crew.

The regatta will take place over 4 days and consist of a maximum of 15 races, depending on weather conditions. After very windy conditions with around 25 knots over the last three days, we are forecasting more light winds between 7 and 9 knots over the next few days and sunny but cool weather, which is not an obstacle for this boat.

The crews are divided into two fleets, and the first signal for today’s start is scheduled for 11:00 am. You can follow the regatta from today’s most beautiful stage on the Slovenian coast until Sunday.



Danes se v Koprskem zalivu začenja drugi najpomembnejši jadralski dogodek serije regat Eurocup v letu 2023 v klasi 29er. Udeležuje se ga 84 dvočlanskih posadk iz 11 držav. Največjo zastopanost ima Nemčija s 23 posadkami, sledijo Poljska z 12 posadkami ter Madžarska in Italija z 11 posadkami. Slovenijo zastopajo 4 posadke.

Regate se bo udeležilo nekaj trenutno najboljših jadralcev kot so Madžari, posadka Soma Kis-Szölgyémi in András Sámuel Juhász, ki je lani zasedla 10. mesto na svetovnem prvenstvu, posadka Tóth Attila & Levente Borda 26. mesto na lanskem svetovnem prvenstvu, italijanska-posadka Mosè Bellomi & Pietro Berti 34. mesto na svetovnem prvenstvu 2022 kot tudi jadralki iz našega kluba JK Jadro Alja Petrič in Katja Filipič, ki sta 2021 zasedli 3. mesto do 17 let na svetovnem prvenstvu ter 3. mesto na mladinskem svetovnem prvenstvu v Omanu.

Regata se bo odvijala 4 dni in predvideva največ 15 plovov, kar je odvisno od vremena. Po zelo vetrovnih vremenskih razmerah z okoli 25 vozli v zadnjih treh dneh, po napovedih pričakujemo v naslednjih dneh več rahlega vetra med 7 in 9 vozli ter sončno, a hladno vreme, kar ni ovira za to jadrnico.

Posadke so razdeljene v dve floti, prvi signal za današnji štart pa je predviden ob 11. uri. Regato lahko spremljate iz najlepšega odra slovenske obale od danes pa vse do nedelje.

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