Day 1 – Europa Cup Laser Slovenia
266 laser sailors reluctantly got a day off today in Koper as strong winds whipped up treacherous waves. All three scheduled races were called off after a three-hour delay and will be staged instead on Saturday and Sunday.
“We had a forecast last night indicating that wind speeds would gust over 30 knots up to and including 3pm this afternoon. We had a look this morning and that has sadly been reinforced,” race official Bojan Gale said.
While sailors love wind, too much can make it hard for the race committee to set a fair course. It can also be dangerous, especially for the less experienced competitors. For that reason the organizing committee decided to reset the start clock to Saturday when conditions are supposed to get a little lighter.
The forecast for the remaining two days is much calmer and the races abandoned will be run on Saturday and Sunday, with a first race time of 11:00 am.
Gostitelji regate Evrospkega pokala za jadralne razrede laser standard, radial in 4.7 prvi dan niso imeli sreče z vetrom. Močna tramontana, ki je dopoldne pometala po Obali s 30 vozli ter dodobra razburkala morje, je namreč 266-im udeležencem onemogočila varno izplutje iz marine, zaradi česar je regatni odbor skelnil tekmovanje preložiti na soboto.
Organizatorji bodo zamujeno poskusili nadoknaditi v preostalih dveh dneh, ko naj bi floto na morju pred Koprom poganjal zmeren do močen maestral.